The Way It Was
100 years ago:
New sewer proposed
A Mail representative called up J.M. Clack, Nevada's civil engineer today, and asked him as to the location of the proposed new sewer and also what territory of the city could be benefited by the proposed sewer.
In answer to these questions Mr. Clack said:
"There is one rather important item regarding the proposed public sewer to be voted on next Tuesday, which is being overlooked, and that is, that this sewer will not only furnish drainage for the business portion of East Nevada and the residence district of the entire southern part of this city and also receives a considerable area lying north of Cherry street and east of Elm street as far north as Hickory, and afford an outlet for the sewer of that part of Nevada past of the railway ..."
75 years ago:
Bates County teacher in fatal auto accident
Miss Rita Gabriel, teacher of the Fry School in Summit township, died at a hospital in Clinton late Wednesday afternoon from injuries received early Wednesday morning when the car in which she was riding left the highway and turned over. Gabriel was alone in the car and there were no witnesses to the accident, which occurred just east of Montrose, says the Butler Democrat.
50 years ago:
Rotarians to see film on electricity Thursday
The program for tomorrow's luncheon meeting of the Nevada Rotary Club at the Mitchell Hotel will be in charge of Fritz Rombach.
For the program, Rombach will present a Missouri Public Service Co. motion picture on electricity and its possibilities for the future.