Daycare association seeks new ways to help support the community

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nevada Daily Mail

What started as a small support group has blossomed into an organization dedicated to community service.

The Vernon County Daycare Association was formed in 1997 as a support group for licensed and unlicensed daycare providers and pre-school teachers.

The goal of the association is to help each other and to improve the quality of child care in Vernon County.

This small group of women has worked hard to make a difference, making an effort to improve quality of life for Vernon County -- especially for the children.

The group also strives to meet the needs of children and their families. "We have given approximately $10,000 in scholarships to local high school seniors and to members of our group that are furthering their education," said Diana Leininger member of the Daycare Association.

The group also has contributed about $1,000 to help fire victims, families that lost a child, and women in crisis who needed legal council.

"We have helped with Toys for Tots, adopted families at Christmas, and donate food baskets at Thanksgiving. In the last four years, we have made it possible for five Nevada High School juniors to attend the Missouri Boys State Program," she noted.

In a last-ditch effort to keep the Show Me ChalleNGe program open in 2003, members put together a garage sale benefiting the program. The overall drive to keep the program running was unsuccessful, but the association's effort was one of many steps taken in hopes of saving the program.

The association has provided meals for the Nurturing Class for Parents, had booths at the National Family Night Out and other events, and members are currently planning the Bushwacker Days toddler swimsuit contest, which the group intends to sponsor for the fourth consecutive year.

In the weeks that followed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., children affiliated with the association collected $1,100 to send to the victims of the attack.

"We feel it is very important that children understand the importance of helping others and we are always looking for ways to help our community."

Anyone interested in more information about our organization may contact any of the following members: Diana Leininger, Chris Emery, Linda Hurst Diane Gammon, Nani Wilde, Rhonda Eador, Mary King, Amber Jenkins, Cindy Beisley, Veronica Prough, Vanesa Moreland, Ashley Klotz, Donna Burrus, and Dava Scott.

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