The Way It Was
100 years ago:
Girl called as Christian Church pastor
RAMSEY, Ill. -- Miss Myrtie B. Parker, the girl evangelist who held a successful meeting here last fall has been called as pastor of the Christian church here. She is now a student in Eureka College.
75 years ago:
Magee again back in the county jail
Ray Magee, who was recently arrested in Fort Scott, Kan., wanted in Nevada on a charge of carrying concealed weapons, has been brought to Nevada and is being held in the county jail here until the May term of the circuit court. Sheriff W.E. Butner and Deputy Sheriff Arch Hedden went to Fort Scott to get Magee.
50 years ago:
State Hospital No. 3 patients to get candy
Dr. Paul Barone, superintendent of State Hospital No. 3, announced that he has been informed by the Jerry Vogel Foundation Inc., of New York City, that a shipment of candy is being sent to the patients again this year. Patients at the hospital received a shipment of Easter eggs from the Foundation last year.
Jerry Vogel, New York music publisher, began his hobby of distributing candy to inmates of institutions more than 30 years ago and most of the money for the Foundation is derived from his income as a music writer.
The candy shipment this year is being sent as a birthday tribute to Mr. Vogel's good friend, Lenny Herman, band leader, whose birthday is on May 9.