Calvary Christian finishes track season

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Calvary Christian School finished the 2005 track season May 6-7 in Joplin at the Missouri Christian Schools state tournament. Participating were, from left, Michael Morris, Assistant Coach Tim Morris, Joel Morris, Tim Wallace, Scott Borders, Devan Scougal, Tyler Borders and Coach Jim Borders. The Eagles finished first as a team in Division II and third overall (out of 12 teams) with 69 points. Winning state titles were Tyler Borders in the shot put and Scott Borders in the long jump. Scott Borders was also second in the triple jump and third in the 200 meters. Tyler Borders was fourth in the discus and eighth in the triple jump. Wallace was second in the 400, third in the triple jump and sixth in the discus. Scougal was fifth in the long jump, seventh in the 1600 and also competed in the high jump. The four teamed up to finish third in the 800 meter relay as well. The schools at the state meet varied in enrollment from 15 (Calvary) to 225 students.

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