Nevada Tiger award winners honored

Sunday, May 22, 2005
Nevada High School freshman Spenser Daniels is given the Kelly Bradham Award, which is given to the top newcomer in Nevada athletics. The award is named after Bradham, (left) the former sports editor and current columnist for the Daily Mail and Herald.

Nevada High School Athletic Director Kevin McKinley (left) recognizes three seniors who excelled in athletics this season. Those recognized were, from left, Tyler Shouse, Ben Wilson and Hillary Adams. Shouse was an all-state selection at linebacker for the football team and placed third in the state in wrestling. Wilson was named all conference in football at two different positions, led the basketball team as the team's Most Valuable Player, and is on two track relay teams that qualified for sectionals. Adams was a key member of the volleyball team and an all-state selection in basketball. All three were given medals as part of their award.
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