Memorial Day means it's time to take the family camping
In less than a week, the unofficial opening of the camping season gets underway with the big Memorial Day weekend, which marks the first big exodus to the outdoors for most camping Missourians.
For the Tom Nelson family, the Memorial Day camping trip to a state park is a tradition that will continue this spring. For more than 20 years the Nelsons have packed up their camping gear and headed to a campground usually around or near one of the big impoundments.
"We plan on camping a lot this year and be joined by several of our kids that started camping when they were very young. It all started when I heard my wife tell the kids they had been inside too long and why didn't they go outside and play and get some fresh air. Although we seemed to be going in 10 different directions, we decided to go on an outdoor activity that all the family could enjoy so we started camping," Nelson said.
"We didn't have to go far because there are plenty of campgrounds within an easy drive from home. Over the years camping without TV and video games have helped us to get to know each other on a level that only the outdoors can provide. It helps promote teamwork and is something we can enjoy as a family. Our son Jim, started camping at age 3 and today he will be taking his own family camping," he said.
Camping has evolved in a big way over the years. Today, rather than camping for economical reasons, people camp because they love being in the outdoors. Camping equipment has also evolved in a big way. Tent camping is still very popular. Tents are manufactured in a variety of shapes and sizes, and whether you're just doing some backyard camping or heading out for a couple of weeks, there's a tent made for you and your family.
Today, there are pop-ups, pickup campers, motor homes and even houseboat camping. At sportshows across the country there are RVs in the $200,000 range.
Just a couple of decades ago, an all-too-common scene along the highways was an automobile or station wagon heading for a camping weekend or vacation trip with it's passengers squashed by equipment and other gear toppling from the vehicle's overburdened roof rack.
That was when the recreational-vehicle industry was in its infancy, and those campers who had either travel trailers, pickup campers, tent trailers, motor homes or conversions were among the enviable few.
But today the business has reached maturity. The RVs are, in many cases, designed with the economy-oriented society in mind and statistics indicate that an RV owner no longer needs be a man with money to burn, although there are models for this type also.
No matter how much camping has evolved, what's important to many people is that there's always a spot in the wilderness waiting for their return.
It's interesting that as Missourians leisure time decreases, their camping and outdoor time is increasing. Outdoors is a cherished part of our lives and, although many families have been camping already this year, the Memorial Day weekend jump starts the season for many.
You never know what the weather will be like in late May and early June so be prepared. Nelson said, "It usually rains at some point over the Memorial Day weekend, so we have learned to live with it and use the weather to our advantage."
No matter what kind of camping you do, there's a camping spot within a short drive from you and as Nelson pointed out that with the high gas prices today it's nice to have a choice of campgrounds.