Long, Buck engagement

Special to the Herald
Rick and Teresa Long of Independence, Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristen Gayle, to Robert Russell Buck, son of Marvalee Collins of Olathe, Kan., and Robert and Christine Buck of Chesterfield, Mo., and the grandson of James and Alta Collins.
The bride-elect graduated from Mid America Nazarene University with a degree in Elementary Education in 2001 and a Masters of Family and Marriage Therapy in 2004. She is currently employed as a kindergarten teacher at Rolling Ridge Elementary School in Olathe.
The prospective-groom received a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Emporia State University in 1993, a Masters of Business from Mid America Nazarene University in 1996, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1999, and will complete a Masters of Christian Education at Nazarene Theological Seminary in May of this year. He is currently employed as a Contract Negotiator at the Sprint Corporation and is an associate pastor at Summit View Church of the Nazarene.
The wedding will be on June 11, 2005, at the Fort Osage Church of the Nazarene in Independence with a reception immediately following at the church. The couple will make their home in Olathe.