Sesquicentennial souvenirs celebrate the past, embrace the future

Thursday, June 9, 2005
Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce director Kathi Wysong displays the sesquicentennial flag and plate, as well as a copy of one volume of a special edition local history book.

By Nancy Malcom

Nevada Daily Mail

Along Austin Boulevard, within the courthouse and all through Nevada's downtown area, there will be something new on display during Bushwhacker Days and throughout the year 2005.

A commemorative banner has been designed for Vernon County and Nevada's 150 Sesquicentennial Celebration.

"We liked the logo used during the centennial celebration," Kathi Wysong, executive director of the Nevada Vernon County Chamber of Commerce explained. "That logo was designed by a Cottey College student in a contest."

A telecommunication tower and an airplane were added to reflect today's Vernon County.

Wysong is a member of the Sesquicentennial Platform Committee.

Other members are: Terry Ramsey, coordinator, Bushwhacker Museum; Charlie Johnson, past presiding commissioner of Vernon County; Jeff Tweten, reunion 2005 coordinator; Carol Branham, city Parks and Recreation director and Tim Moore, and were the conceptual instigators in creating the new logo.

"We wanted to borrow from the past and create the new," Wysong said. "We liked the suggestion of the type of activities prevalent in Vernon County, including agriculture, railroad and industry that we saw in that old design.

"We decided to bring it to the 21st century by adding the telecommunications tower and an airplane, reflecting two very prominent areas of growth in Vernon County."

She added that the new logo incorporates activities and commerce historically important to Vernon County.

"The corn in the foreground of the logo indicates agribusiness is still a giant influence here," she explained.

The logo is encircled with a laurel wreath to give it more appeal as a medallion.

The 150th- year logo will be available also on T-shirts, and a new commemorative Bushwhacker plate.

There are only 150 of these collector's plates available right now. Wooden nickels, with the logo on one side and "celebrating 150 years" is also new this year.

All these items will be available throughout Bushwhacker Days and the remainder of the year at the Chamber office and at the Bushwhacker Museum.

"We anticipate making another intricate design with W.F. Norman, to be on a commemorative medallion/ornament," Wysong added. "It will not be available till later in the year -- possibly by the All School Reunion or at least by Christmas."

Wysong stressed that the sesquicentennial is a year-long activity and that Bushwhacker Days was just the official "kick off."

"This isn't just for Bushwhacker Days. This 150th anniversary will continue throughout 2005. Youth groups and other clubs and civic groups are encouraged to request the banners to display for relative activities."

Wysong wants to encourage groups to designate any event they host during 2005 as a sesquicentennial event.

"Come get the banner, use the logo," she said. "These are all funded through the Impact Nevada Tourism for Nevada and Vernon County. They belong to the people and they can use them as often as they like."

Another newly-designed commemorative flag will be dedicated on opening night of Bushwhacker Days.

Wysong said, "It will embrace the stage for the events of Bushwhacker then be dedicated to the commissioners and city council and hung at the courthouse."

Following Bushwhacker Days, there will be one of these for city hall, one for the chamber and one for the county.

"This will be the official Nevada and Vernon County flag," Wysong said.

Wysong also mentioned that during the centennial event, a time capsule was buried and scheduled to be opened in 2055.

Another one is planned for the sesquicentennial and items and suggestions as to what to include in it will be encouraged all year.

"We want to gather and collect ideas and articles from those parties interested in being included to submit into the time capsule one of two times," Wysong explained. "Either at a Christmas ceremony, or during the 2006 Bushwhacker Days. Anyone who may have ideas for it please let us know!"

She added, "We would like to include items of interest from youth groups, clubs, etc. We think it would be really cool to open it in 2055 at the same time as the centennial one. To see not only how things were from 1955 to 2055, but how they changed from 1955 to 2005 and forward. What to put in it and when are details we're still waiting for the people to help us with."

The Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce will have an information booth on the northwest corner of the Square during Bushwhacker Days.

For more information contact Kathi Wysong at (417) 667-5300.

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