Increase in revenues could be good news for Quality Products Inc.
Nevada, Mo. -- During a Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Friday, State Rep. Barney Fisher, R-125th District, commented briefly on state issues before the legislature this session.
"I've got so much good news from the capitol, there's no way I could tell it all to you," Fisher said, but with a grin and a broad gesture, he went on to announce that "for the first time in five years, the state of Missouri is in the black!"
Touching briefly on the governor's state of the state address, Fisher said plans are already forming to appropriate more money to education, and that for the first time Utiliticare, a utility assistance a program in place but unfunded since 2001, was allotted $6.1 million. The notion of increased funding for sheltered workshops, which could be good news for Nevada's Quality Products, has also been mentioned, although Fisher said he had little information on that idea, so far.
In early December, Quality Products announced that, due to declining work contracts, the sheltered workshop would most likely have to close its doors forever in May.
Doing so, according to information provided by board members at the time, would put about 70 workers out of a job.
The community rallied around Quality Products, and a few days later Tom Hollands of Missouri Welding Institute petitioned business leaders at the Nevada Rotary Club and chamber of commerce luncheons, urging them to do anything they could to drum up some business. Hollands and a local printing company contributed mailing equipment and letters, which apparently were somewhat successful, at least in the short run.
Quality Products manager Clem McFarland said that December was a better month. "I wish I could say that's a trend, but it's too early to say. We still need a lot of work to keep going," he said.
McFarland is hopeful that community support and marketing efforts will mean a steady stream of work for Quality Products workers.
Clem McFarland can be reached by calling Quality Products at (417) 667-8944 or by e-mail