Nevada city council to discuss budget tonight; parks board meeting canceled
The Nevada City Council will conduct its regular meeting at 7 o'clock tonight, with consideration of the 2006 city budget highlighting the agenda. The budget can be viewed at
The agenda also includes a number of bills, including a proposed agreement between the city and the Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce. The agreement was not available at the time the agenda was posted. Appointments to boards and commissions will also be made. Reports on commerce and retail development, planning and zoning and infrastructure, job creation, Work Force Development and Missouri Municipal League are also scheduled, as is a city manager's report.
A closed session relating to personnel matters is also requested by city manager Craig Hubler.
Council meetings are conducted in council chambers, located inside the city's public safety building at Ash and Austin.
In other city business, the Nevada Parks and Recreation Board meeting set for 5:30 tonight was canceled. The board was to discuss financing options for lighting planned at Bushwhacker and Lyons baseball fields, but as of this morning, the city reported that some of the financing information had not been received.