The Way It Was
100 years ago
Y.M.C.A. growing; many new members
The members of the YMCA are making an active campaign to increase the membership of the organization and they are meeting with splendid success. Tuesday 113 new members were added which means $575 in membership fees. No organization in the city merits a more liberal support than does the Young Men's Christian Association. The YMCA is doing great work in the this city and should be encouraged by every citizen.
50 years ago
Horton church is undergoing a remodeling job
The construction of an addition and remodeling of the present Horton Methodist Church building has been started under a long -- planned building program. At the present time the foundation for the educational addition has been laid and framework for the building has been erected.
It is anticipated that the building and remodeling will be completed by June 1, 1956. Men of the church and community are donating labor and skills to make the building possible and women of the church are raising funds for the decorating and furnishings and also serve coffee to the workers.