Hume schools expect to pay off construction bonds by March 2007
Superintendent Ryan Huff had good news for the Hume R-8 board of education -- bonds that funded the construction of the building will be completely paid off in March 2007 -- perhaps even sooner.
During the board's regular meeting on Jan. 11, Huff said they pay-off will mean the tax levy ear-marked for paying off the debt will end; but in order to maintain the structure, a levy will be needed.
According to school board minutes provided to the Nevada Daily Mail, Huff said there are several issues to be addressed, such as classroom space, concreting partition walls of the math and social studies rooms and a number of miscellaneous projects. The current levy is $1 per $100 of assessed valuation, which raised more than $70,000, each year.
An additional 30-cent levy would raise about $21,000 annually, which could be used in completing the necessary repair and maintenance projects.
Discussion of the annual budget was tabled until the February meeting; however, Huff noted that implementing a new salary schedule, mandated by the state, would cost the district $160,000.
In other business, Huff provided a general update on day-to-day activities in the school. Gymnasium doors have been replaced, and food service inspectors from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education are expected to visit the school Jan. 25-26.
Three candidates, incumbents Ruth Hale and Doug Hinton and challenger Jim Larch, have filed for two, three-year terms on the R-8 school board, up for election this year.
A transportation program was approved, and in a unanimous vote, the board decided that contracting out bus service is not feasible and will not be pursued at this time.
In executive session following the regular meeting, the board accepted the resignation of Lesa Berry, and decided to hire Marita Meech.