The Way it Was

Friday, February 10, 2006

100 years ago

Old high school a germ center

Much has been said regarding the old building which is, or rather is being used as Nevada's high school building but if 10n times as much could be said or written still the subject would not be exhausted nor would the condemnation be complete.

That old building would cause a citizen to blush if he would take the time to inspect it, to say nothing of the danger the pupils are subjected to and the fearful menace it is to the present and future health of the students.

Parents who clothe their children in order to protect their health do not realize that their children are going into a building where the germs of disease lurk that are more deadly than the cold which they guard against by clothing their children in warm clothes.

50 years ago

TV page a top Herald feature

Ever wonder what's going on the other television channel as you watch your favorite program? Well, if you are a subscriber to The Nevada Herald you never have any trouble with this problem as every Sunday, The Herald contains the schedules for the week of the most popular stations in this area.

To make things easier for the mothers in the county, who have television watchers in their household who also attend the Nevada High School, the school menus for the week are carried on the television page so all you have to do is save the television page each week and you also have the menu of what your offspring will be eating during the coming week at school.