Several announce bids for county offices on first day

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

The Vernon County Clerk's Office was busy on Tuesday. It was the first day of filing for candidates interested in running for county offices of Associate Circuit Judge, Presiding Commissioner, Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Clerk. Collector of Revenue, Recorder of Deeds, Prosecuting Attorney, Township or Ward Committeeman and Township or Ward Committeewoman, according to the Missouri Secretary of State's Office in Jefferson City.

According to Vernon County Clerk Tammy Beach, so far, three people have officially stepped into the ring to run for Vernon County Presiding Commissioner. They are Democrat Bonnie M. McCord, who is currently serving as Vernon County Southern Commissioner; Phil Boyle, another Democrat, who lost his bid for the same seat in the 2004 election; and Republican Arch Forkner.

Two also filed as candidates for Associate Circuit Judge; Gerald D. McBeth, a Republican and the incumbent; and Democrat Neal Quitno.

Incumbent Lynn M. Ewing III has filed to retain his seat as Vernon County prosecuting attorney. He will be challenged by Jeff Fuequay.

Incumbent Doug Shupe, a Republican, is seeking to retain the office of recorder of deeds, and is unchallenged so far.

Incumbent Tammy Beach filed as the lone candidate so far for Vernon County clerk.

Democrat Vickie Erwin filed for election as circuit clerk.

Candidates also filed for Ward I committee man, Winston L. Baucom; and Ward I committeewoman, Phyllis J. Baucom. Both are Democrats.

One candidate, Democrat Nadyne Bond, filed for the Walker Township committeewoman's seat.

The last day for filing for the Aug. 8 primary election is March 28.

Filings also took place at the Missouri Secretary of State's Office in Jefferson City.

Candidates for 1 U.S. Senator's seat, Missouri State Auditor, nine U.S. representatives' seats, including the Fourth Congressional District, serving Vernon County; 17 state senators from even-numbered districts; 163 state representatives, including the 125th District, serving Vernon County, and various judges.

For U.S. Representative, Three Republican candidates filed yesterday. They are Lloyd D. Sanders, Sr., Richland, Mo.; Alan Conner, Long Lane, Mo.; and Jeff Parnell, Rogersville, Mo.

Democrat Ike Skelton, the incumbent, from Lexington, Mo., also filed.

Candidates in three parties have filed for the U.S. Senate seat. They are Republican Isaiah Hair, Jr., St. Louis; Democrat Bill Clinton Young, Kansas City; and Libertarian Frank Gilmour, Manchester.

For state representative, District 125, Republican Barney Fisher, Richards, the incumbent; and Tim Wells, a Democrat, of Nevada; have filed.

First-day filings for the office of state auditor netted a field of five candidates so far. They are Republicans Jack Jackson, Wildwood; Mark Wright, Springfield; Al Hanson, Concordia; and John W. Loudon, Chesterfield. The lone Democrat filing on Tuesday was Susan Montee, St. Joseph.

More information on candidates will appear in future issues of the Nevada Daily Mail throughout the election season.

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