WAGS to hold pet therapy workshop in Nevada in April

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

By Colette LeFebvre

Nevada Daily Mail

Wonderful Animals Giving Support will be hosting a Delta Pet therapy workshop on April 15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The workshop is the first step in a series that leads to certifying a pet for pet therapy work. WAGS is a pet therapy group which meets monthly and travels around the area providing isolated and ill individuals with a smile. The pet/owner team are know as pet partner teams. WAGS members travel in conjunction with their "pet teams."

They can be seen in such places as, nursing homes, readings, and other volunteer work venues. WAGS was founded in 2002 on an idea provided by WAGS founder and University Of Missouri Extension employee Carol Parmenter. Gwen Sneed, a member of WAGS, says that the group hosts fund-raisers that are on the fun side. WAGS pet therapists are not confined to the canine species by any means, there is also a miniature horse named "Cookie," that makes appearances, as well as some cats.

The pet therapy workshop will consist of "all the things that you need to know at each level." said Sneed. The prospective pet partner teams have to take the workshop in order to be eligible to move up in the program. There are also two types of certifications available through the program. One is the WAGS certification and with this certification the pet can enter nursing homes and other volunteer venues except hospitals. That falls under a different more extensive certification that is nationally sponsored, known as Delta certification. Delta specifies certain criteria in order for an animal to be around hospital patients. The workshop will cover this. Some of the criteria to be discussed include, pet friendliness, neutral dog (can walk by other animals without a problem), wheelchair passing and is well controlled.

"It's just a part of the pets general obedience" said Sneed. Sneed also said that the animal must be a minimum of one year, because animals are more mature at that age. This therapy is officially known as Animal Assisted Therapy, and the formal definition of AAT is, "AAT is a goal directed intervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria is an integral part of the treatment process. AAT is directed and/or delivered by a health/human service professional with specialized expertise and within the scope of practice in his/her profession."

The concept of animals as healers is not a new one. Hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers all benefit from pet professionals. It is important to recognize the interactions that specially trained animals have with patients.

"They help transform a life of discouragement, fear and sadness into one of happiness, independence and hope." says Delta's Web site.

To join WAGS or to find out more information about WAGS or Delta, contact Gwen Sneed at (417) 667-2074.

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