The Way it Was
100 years ago
The high school plans approved
The Nevada school board met Thursday afternoon and accepted the plans for the new high school building which will be erected this summer. The plans submitted by architects Garstang & Rea which were approved, call for a magnificent and modern high school building that will meet the demands for our school and also a building that will attract attention and merit our admiration.
The building will be 184 feet by 88 feet and will virtually be a four story structure. The lower floor will be above ground and will be well lighted, heated and ventilated. The building will be equipped with modern conveniences and will be heated by steam. The building will consist of laboratories, assembly hall, auditorium, recitation rooms, reception room, private offices, gymnasium, toilet room and large corridors.
50 years ago
Tot's death remains a mystery
KANSAS CITY -- The mystery of a body found under a rock pile had police more baffled than ever today. A little girl five people identified as the victim of an apparent murder was found alive yesterday, and a murder charge against her father was dropped.
That left the body unidentified.
Three-year-old Shirley Dicus the supposed murder victim was located in Neosho, Mo., with her father Lloyd A. Dicus, a convicted bigamist. Living with them was a woman police said was his fifth wife.