MoDOT promotes work zone safety

Nevada, Mo. -- Since the year 2000, 214 Missouri Department of Transportation employees have been injured and four have been killed in work zones. In 2005, 15 motorists died and 940 were injured in work-zone crashes, which was a reduction from 2004 when 28 motorists died and 1,167 were injured. MoDOT would like to remind drivers that they should be alert to unexpected hazards and pay attention to what is going on around them when in a work zone so that the number of killed and injured continue to be reduced.
"We're working night and day to make roads smoother and safer," Don Hillis, director of system management, said. "We ask that motorists be patient with us as we improve their roads, and to remember to always buckle up and drive smart."
The 2006 road construction season will be the biggest ever for MoDOT with more than 1,000 work zones statewide.
"We're doing everything we can to let motorists know ahead of time where construction zones will be and how they can get through them safely with minimum frustration or how they can avoid them entirely," Hillis said. "While these improvements will increase delays for now, safer roads and a smoother driving surface will be a long-term benefit."
More work zones mean more delays, frustrations and opportunities for drivers to be distracted, making work zones dangerous places. Safety is always a top concern.
MoDOT has tips for drivers to minimize accidents in work zones.
* Buckle up -- Every trip, every time--safety belts save lives.
* Stay alert -- Dedicate your full attention to the roadway.
* Follow signs -- They'll guide you through work zones safely.
* Expect the unexpected-- Watch for flaggers, workers and equipment.
* Pay attention -- Turn the radio down and don't use your cell phone.
* Be patient-- Remember workers are improving the road for future travels.
* Don't speed -- Follow posted limits and adjust for weather conditions.
* Don't drink and drive -- Impairment of any kind is unacceptable.
* Be nice -- Merge as directed, don't tailgate and don't change lanes in a work zone.
To bring attention to the problem and to motivate media to pay attention to the issue MoDOT sent jars of jam, labeled "Avoid Traffic Jams", to print and broadcast media outlets.
The message on the label also said "Jams can be sticky. With hundreds of road improvement projects this season, travelers could get stuck. Help drivers preserve their sanity and 'Arrive Alive'.