Council candidates state ideas

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Nevada, Mo. -- The six candidates running for seats on the Nevada City Council were each given questionnaires relating to current city issues and other information. Those seeking the two-year seat did not participate in a primary election, so their questionnaires for this election were more extensive than those given to the four candidates seeking three-year terms. Here are their responses:

Candidates seeking a three-year term:

Russell Kemm

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

The city must compare the cost of refurbishing the current shelter to bring it up to standards, versus the cost of replacing it and the time frame each would take. It may be more feasible that the current facility is made acceptable while the appropriate time and research is done to do things right with construction of a new facility. This should also take into account any possible cooperation with the county and local private groups and how much money is available from the city to dedicate to this project. It is important that open meetings and visitation of other facilities be used to get input from all parties before a final design is selected.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and also posts them on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city can use to better inform the public about what will happen at city council meetings?

The city does due diligence in posting the meeting time and place. However, many citizens do not have access to computers and may not have the time to check the Internet frequently to ensure a meeting is taking place. Also, many take time out of their own lives to attend the meetings and voice concerns. If a meeting is posted, then it should occur, if only to allow the public to voice any concerns at that time. The public record will then also reflect the attendance of the council members.

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

To uphold the city charter. To make decisions regarding safety, basic infrastructure and plan for future city growth for all citizens.

Bill Gillette

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

I'm not sure that it needs to be replaced because I have not been out there to look at it yet. I would think that it is not beyond repair and probably has a lot of good use left in it.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city could use to better inform the public about what will be considered at city council meetings?

This question probably stems from the recent cancellation of a meeting that was previously scheduled. My understanding is that it was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. What should have happened is that those who can be there should show for the meeting, take roll call and then if there is not a quorum, they can consider a motion to adjourn.

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

I think that council's primary responsibilities are spelled out for them in the city charter, therefore the council's primary responsibility would be to represent the best interests of the people of this community and to make sure that city administration is held accountable for their actions -- good and bad.

Brian Leonard

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

First, it is time for ALL parties involved in this situation to put aside their personal differences and sit down together to work out the specifics of a cooperative operation. The city should be in charge of the control, enforcement, and quarantine when animals are a nuisance or unwanted.

If people do not want an animal, they are not going to call the police department and admittedly volunteer their desires to discard an unwanted animal. This is when the "Adoption Group" (Vernon County People for Pets) could assist the public in receiving their unwanted animals and, along with the City, quarantine the animals for the appropriate number of days for public safety in regards to the animals' health. After the appropriate number of days, the "Adoption Group" would take the animal and attempt to place it in a safe and loving environment with new owners.

I would also like to see the City have their own building for a quarantine facility, which would include any of the animals that the "Adoption Group" received anonymously from the public that needed to be quarantined for health reason. The "Adoption Group" would then take possession of the animals that are healthy enough for adoption to the public. This would have to be a cooperative effort on both parties. I would like to see some of the local 4-H organizations, civic groups, and any other volunteer organizations assist in staffing the adoption clinic.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city could use to better inform the public about what will be considered at city council meetings?

I feel that the local media does an admirable job of keeping the public informed of meetings that are taking place in our community. I also feel that the introduction of the city of Nevada's Web site several years ago has greatly improved procedures that the city uses to go beyond the requirements that are set forth by the Missouri Sunshine Law. A citizen who wants to be informed of what is going on at council meetings should have no trouble getting to that information from several different sources. I sincerely hope the public will reflect on the events that have occurred over the last few weeks and continue to stay involved in our city government. Proper communication of concerns and compliments through the appropriate venues are in place for the public to communicate with both the city administration and council. It is very important to maintain those channels so the preservation of open lines of communication can continue in a professional manner.

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

The primary responsibility of a city council member is to represent and listen to ALL citizens of Nevada in a professional and dignified manner. You must be able to approach an issue with an impartial attitude and make your decisions based on ALL the facts and information. As a councilperson, decisions should be made based on what is in the best interest of the city and ALL of its citizens. It is also vital that the five members of the council be able to lay aside their personal feelings and work together toward positive solutions to issues.

Robin Fisher

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

The animal shelter is an issue filled with high emotion and passion. A solution will not be found by one person or one organization. It will take the cooperation of many: the city, county, Vernon County People for Pets, WAGS, and other interested citizens will need to put aside their differences and work together to bring a quality, well-run facility to the community that everyone can be proud of.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city could use to better inform the public about what will be considered at city council meetings?

When I started working as Nevada's City Clerk, the council agenda was posted on the city hall bulletin board and given to the press. This is what the Sunshine Law requires. I was instrumental in starting the paperless council packet, which allowed all of the council documents to be viewed on the city's Web site. This was a great improvement and showed a commitment to the open meetings and open records laws.

It would be easy to create a signup for anyone wanting to have the agenda e-mailed. More ideas would be to show the agenda on Channel 3 or the Nevada Daily Mail could print the agenda as a public service to the community. A paper copy, of course, can be picked up at City Hall.

It is also important to communicate with City Hall if there is a question on any of the agenda items. Be proactive. Pick up the phone, call them and get an answer. It would be great to hear ideas from the public on how the city can keep them better informed.

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

To serve the public by making decisions based on what is good for the community as a whole and not for any private or personal gain.

Candidates seeking a two-year term

Richard "Dick" Meyers

Why do you want to be on the city council?

I want to fill the 2-year term because I know that I can make a difference. There are a lot of problems with the council right now. There is concern that the council isn't listening to the people -- as evidenced by the March 22 meeting the council called to gather input from the citizens then, at the 11th hour, cancelled. There wasn't a quorum. In my opinion, you don't need a quorum to hear the voice of the people.

What makes you the best candidate?

I take the business of the city seriously. Attendance at all city and community meetings is important. In order to understand the needs and concerns of the city, you must be involved. You need to attend meetings, speak with individuals and groups about their opinions. Policies, procedures and budgets do not intimidate me. I can understand the problems the city might incur and I will work on solutions to those problems.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Nevada in the next year?

I believe the biggest one, is how we get beyond being on the 10 o'clock news every night and move forward. We need to be a progressive community. This can be accomplished, but it is going to take the community working together.

What would you like to see the city accomplish in the next two years if you are elected?

Economic growth! I see Nevada working together-civic organizations, churches, businesses, schools and the county.

Working together to bring technology and industry to Nevada. I see the completion of the airport. I see sewer and water being upgraded and improved upon. I see private industry excelling -- like the YMCA building an indoor pool. I see families making a decent income, supporting their families and having an excellent quality of life!

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

The first thing we need to do is get the old facility up and functioning. We need a place for our city's lost and discarded animals to be sheltered. We need to work with the county and volunteer groups (such as the Vernon County People for Pets) to get programs in place immediately. I am opposed to the city operating a shelter. I feel that the manner in which the city took over the animal shelter was wrong. Nevada needs to be caring and compassionate towards its animal population while at the same time protecting its citizens from dangerous animals. A lot can be said about a community by the way it treats its children and animals.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city could use to better inform the public about what will be considered at city council meetings?

I believe the problem lies not in the way in which times and dates of meetings are posted, but rather in changing or canceling those meetings. City council meetings are supposed to be held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. Let's stick to that schedule so the public can count on those dates as meeting times. Do not advertise a meeting in the paper and radio for a week, and then at 4 p.m. the day of the meeting -- cancel it.

There are exceptions to every rule, but let's make every effort to have the meetings when we're suppose to have them. If you don't have a quorum, then still allow the citizens the opportunity to a public meeting with whatever council member can attend. I believe we need to improve upon and concentrate on getting what takes place at these meetings out to the public. I see broadcasting the meetings on Channel 3 (several times a week) or the radio as a great way for the citizens to see and hear what went on at the meeting, thus enabling them the opportunity to form their own opinion. I also strongly believe that when citizens do personally attend council meetings, we treat them respectfully. The infamous 2-minute rule should be abolished. There will be times when people over step their boundaries, but as a council, we need to respect their comments and find a more courteous way of dealing with hecklers.

The council needs to stop telling people, "we'll get back to you" or "we'll look into that" and then never "get back to them." I also believe that it's vital for public input. Why don't we ask the public to comment on how we can better communicate with them?

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

The primary responsibility is accountability! We must be accountable to the citizens.

They need to know that as their elected council member -- elected by the citizens -- we will examine issues, listen to and respond to the public's questions with answers and maintain a positive and optimistic vision for the city.

Larry Bradley

Occupation: Information technology facility director at Nevada Habilitation Center

Why do you want to be on the city council?

We have a tremendous number of projects underway, particularly with the passage of the parks sales tax and it would allow me the opportunity to help accentuate positive changes for the citizens of Nevada.

What makes you the best candidate?

Several points make me a strong candidate, including a background of service to the city of Nevada. First is my experience as Nevada's former library director for 11 years. I also served on the Library Board, including five years as chairperson, and currently am chairperson of the parks and recreation board. I was instrumental in getting the Nevada Library Foundation established and currently serve as its chairperson.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Nevada in the next year?

I believe that we will need to work hard to repair the damage created by rumors and frivolous lawsuits. Making the community once again "a great place to work and play" should be a priority.

What you like to see the city accomplish in the next two years if you elected?

I look forward to providing the support for the start and completion of the parks sales tax projects as well as improvement of the city's infrastructure. We need to continue our quest to be the best of the most wired towns in America. Technology is the key to our future.

What should be done about replacing the animal shelter?

The management and control of the animal shelter prior to Jan. 1, 2006 was the Humane Society. The city was responsible for the repairs, utilities and certain food supplies. Because of a health risk, the city had to assume full control. There are issues with the building, as well as treating the ground for canine parvovirus, which can survive for as long as seven years. Right now, the current site is the best location and perhaps the city can enter into an agreement with the newly formed Vernon County People for Pets to take over the daily operations of the shelter.

The city currently posts meeting notices and agendas at the City Hall and on the city's Web site, which exceeds the Missouri Sunshine Law requirements for notifying the public about meetings. The agendas are also furnished to the local media. What other practical methods do you think the city could use to better inform the public about what will be considered at city council meetings?

The capacity to sign up for an electronic notification sent to your e-mail account, cell phone or PDA would be useful.

What do you think is the primary responsibility of a city council member?

Council members represent the interests of their constituents. They respond to inquiries, suggestions and complaints regarding city programs and services, and meet regularly with constituents to discuss developments affecting the city as a whole.

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