County Assessor nearing valuation completion

Friday, April 21, 2006

Vernon County Assessor Cherie Kaye Roberts will be sending out "impact notices" to Vernon County residents soon.

The notices are scheduled to be sent out May 1.

An "impact notice" is placed to notify owners whose property has increased in value. But these notices are only sent out to residents whose property has been reevaluated.

"In an even-numbered year only real property upon which there has been new construction, improvements such as a remodel, or a correction of incorrect information concerning property data characteristics are reassessed." said Roberts.

The value of a property that hasn't undergone any improvement and has remained the same will not be impacted by an assessment.

An assessment is the process of placing value on a property for the purpose of property taxation. The reassessed value of real estate are typically placed on the tax rolls by the assessor every odd numbered year (2001, 2003, 2005). Whereas, personal property is reassessed every year.

The Vernon County assessor's office defines types of property as agricultural, residential and commercial.

"We will be sending out over 800 notices county wide," Roberts said.

The different types of construction that are assessed are new house, new garages, remodeling, new wiring and places where errors had previously occurred on a former assessment.

The rate of percentage for residential property is currently 19 percent on residential homes, 12 percent on agricultural properties and 32 percent on commercial properties. When a property owner has a complaint they can appeal an assessment before the County Board of Equalization.

In order to make an appointment with the Board of Equalization you must call the County Clerk's office at (417) 448-2500 no later than June 16.

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