Small businesses conference offers help in cutting through red tape

Friday, April 28, 2006

Nevada Daily Mail

Small businesses that wish to do business with the federal government have a tough obstacle to overcome -- getting through the red tape involved.

Congressman Ike Skelton says he knows of a solution to dealing with the many requirements involved -- a solution that takes the form of a Federal Procurement Conference at Central Missouri State University at Warrensburg May 31. It's an annual event, one that is close to two decades old.

"We've been doing this for, my gosh, 15 plus years," Skelton said. "It started as a Naval procurement process event but it's expanded and now includes many government agencies."

The keynote speaker is Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Mullen, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he holds a master's degree from the Naval Postgraduate School and is a graduate of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

"We've got the top man in the Navy speaking, Admiral Mullen, and he's sharp," Skelton said. "Admiral Brown is also going to speak and he oversees the Navy's procurement system."

Skelton said the conference has grown over the years and is now a very large affair.

"I can't tell you the exact number of people who come each year," Skelton said. "But it's always very well attended and it fills two huge rooms at CMSU."

This year, 210 government buying offices and 619 contractors have been invited to attend.

Presentations are planned about selling to the government, the service disabled veteran-owned small business program, contract pricing and estimating, funding your business, SBA contract programs, contractor registration, base and post contracting issues, and other financial matters relating to the relationship between small business and the government.

Skelton said that anyone who thinks they may want to sell to the government should come to the event; it may be well worth the time invested.

"It helps cut through the red tape," Skelton said. "I encourage everyone to come, it's a great event."

The conference costs $49 and payment should be sent no later than May 25.

For anyone who hasn't received an invitation to mail back there are two Web sites that have registration information; and

"They can go on the Internet or they can phone to register," Skelton said.

The phone number of the Small Business Devel-opment Center at CMSU is (660) 543-4402 and the e-mail address is

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