As part of its efforts to promote visual arts in the community, the Vernon County Arts Council will be offering free art classes to area youth in July. Although some classes have been offered by arts council members before, "This is the first time we've done this," free class for young artists, said arts council member Alice Stevenson, and she hopes many will respond to the offer. Supplies will be furnished for this special event. Classes for third-graders will be Tuesday, July 11, and Friday, July 14, 3-4:30 p.m. Classes for fourth graders will be Tuesday, July 18, and Friday, July 21, 3-4:30 p.m. If there's interest, classes could continue after July, at a cost to each student of $7 for each class. Above is a peek inside the Vernon County Arts Council's new gallery, located on the lower floor of the Carnegie Building on Austin. Member's work, much of it offered for sale, is on display throughout the gallery, which is open to the public during regular business hours.