Karen Beth Butler -- Chadd Wayne Clary

Karen Beth Butler is engaged to marry Chadd Wayne Clary. She is the daughter of Dr. Doris Butler and W. Michael Butler, of Wichita, Kan. He is the son of Shawnee and Kenneth Clary, of Fort Scott, Kan.
Karen graduated with honors from the University of Kansas in the spring of 2006. She holds bachelor's degrees in communication studies and art history. After a summer internship at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., she will return to KU to pursue a master's degree in indigenous nations studies.
Chadd is currently performing research in knee injury biomechanics, while pursuing his doctoral degree at KU in mechanical engineering. He currently holds a bachelor's and master's in mechanical engineering.
The wedding services will be held Aug. 11, 2006, at the First Southern Baptist Church in Lawrence, Kan.