Relay for Life brings smiles, hope to the community

Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Local Relay for Life Coordinator, Warren Schooley, asks four-year-old Carla Hines how long she has been a cancer survivor during Friday's annual Relay for Life activities.

On Friday, dozens of area residents turned out to take part in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer research and to join in the fun of a night under the stars. Joining in the effort were several local teams committed to making a difference, and entertainers donating their time and talent to help make the event a memorable occasion in Nevada. Teams walked around the Square from 6 p.m., Friday, until 6 a.m., Saturday, for the benefit event. Fund-raising results were not available at press time today.

Emily Maeder helps prepare the luminaries to line the edge of the courthouse sidewalks.
Miss Piggy, Brad Hurst, Murphy Brown queen candidate, successfully accosts Nora and Neal Quitno for a donation during Friday's Relay for Life activities. The queen candidate to raise the most money for the local cancer society was selected queen.
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