Nevada's Pennington wins class at figure competition

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Vernon County's Angie Pennington won the tall class at the National Physique Committee, Inc. Missouri State competition in Springfield July 22, and was chosen to do a photo shoot for, the nation's largest fitness Web site for females.

"I had to wear a one-piece and two-piece suit and do quarter turns in front of a panel of judges," Pennington said in an e-mail.

The contest judges competitors based on their entire physique. The judges look for a small degree of muscularity with separation and leanness.

Pennington said she does up to two hours of cardio work and an hour of weight training each day, in addition to keeping a strict diet.

"My cardio consists of riding a stationary bike, running outside and walking on a treadmill," she said. "I change my cardio up to keep my metabolism going."

Pennington plans to compete in a competition in Oklahoma in October, and will compete in Las Vegas, Nev., in March to try and obtain a professional card.

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