
The Way it Was

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

100 years ago

Insurrection in Cuba spreading

HAVANA -- Insurgents in the province of Pinar del Rio captured their first city there today. At 9 o'clock this morning a force led by Pino Guerrera an ex-congressman and influential man, and who was thought to be many miles eastward and sundry other insurgents bands attacked San Luis, which is situated on the railroad about 10 miles west of Pinar del Rio city, A sharp and decisive engagement followed, during which a number of men were killed or wounded. The town was defended by less than 100 rural guards, 50 of whom surrendered to the insurgents and are held as prisoners.

50 years ago

Build shelter house in Sheldon park

Work is being rushed to complete the shelter house in Sheldon so as to be ready for the "Old Settlers Picnic," on Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1. The shelter house is located in the town park and fair grounds.

The 30 by 60 foot structure is being built by the combined efforts of civic donations and contributed labor. The Methodist and Christian Churches as well as the American Legion Post in Sheldon have made donations, it was reported by Frank Ferry, retired mail carrier, of Sheldon.