Erie -- 50 years
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pete and Nina Erie, of Fort Scott, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, Sept. 9, at a party hosted by their children at the First Church of the Nazarene.
Pete Erie and the former Nina Buck were married Sept. 9, 1956, in Dadeville, Mo.
The Eries have two children, John and Terry Erie, and Nick and Sondra Ruhl. They are the grandparents of Brian, Caden and Dylann Bolin, Ron, Brooke, Raegan Bolin, Micheal, Dawn, Andy and Mia Bryant, David, Wendy, Codee and Coree Budd, John, Aleana and Koby Erie, Anita Erie, and Ray, Bethany and Alex Thompson.
Cards may be addressed to: Pete and Nina Erie, 1199 265th St., Fort Scott, KS 66701.