The Way it Was
100 years ago
Fast Wabash train wrecked
DANVILLE, Ill. -- Six are known to be dead, 36 are injured, two of whom are dying, several others are probably fatally hurt and two have been driven insane from injuries and shock, as the result of a wreck that occurred this morning shortly after 6 o'clock, when Wabash fast train No. 8, eastbound from St. Louis, struck an open switch at Catlin a sidling six miles west of here, and crashed into a freight.
In a few seconds after the crash, the coaches caught fire and all but the dining car were entirely destroyed.
The passenger train, the finest and fastest on the system, according to the trainmen, was running very fast, probably 60 miles an hour making up for lost time. The engineer checked its speed slightly upon approaching Catlin, but the engine men and mail clerks had no chance to jump after striking the switch, and were buried under the wreckage.
50 years ago
Council had busy session
The Nevada City Council worked on a full agenda of business last night including the passage of three ordinances.
The council approved the payment to date to the general contractor of the new city hall building in the amount of $13,657.50. The contractor is George E. Baumann. A letter to place utility service lines underground at the corner of Austin and Ash Streets (new city hall corner) to the Missouri Public Service was approved