Youth basketball

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada Lady Tiger youth basketball program will begin Oct. 21.

Varsity basketball coach Brent Bartlett and assistants Jenny Allard, Jack Tudor and Daryl Dodson will lead the program for girls in grades 3-6.

The program will run on Saturdays, beginning Oct. 21, and ending Nov. 18.

The program will go from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The cost of registration is $13 per person, and those interested can sign up the morning of the first day on Oct. 21.

A T-shirt will be given to each of the participants.

The program will emphasize fundamentals and team play.

Kids in grades 3-4 will have camp at Nevada Middle School, while those in grades 5-6 will meet at the high school.

Members of the Lady Tiger high school team will help with the weekly instruction.

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