Choosing to succeed

Thursday, October 5, 2006
Newly elected officers of the National Future Business Leaders of America, Phi Beta Lambda, were installed into office Wednesday at the Service Edge Cafe in the Bowman Building. From left: Theresa Ellis, president; Misty Voigt, vice president; Judy Thompson, secretary; Charla Chadd, reporter; Emily Livengood, historian/photographer; and Beth Waldrup, advisor. Not pictured: Greg Butterfield, treasurer.

By Steve Moyer

Nevada Daily Mail

"If you don't have goals, you won't go anywhere," that's the message Nola Hartzfeld, retired Nevada Regional Technical Center counselor, gave Wednesday, speaking to the students of the Adult Business Technology class elected as officers in the National Future Business Leaders of America, Phi Beta Lambda. A luncheon also was held for the newly installed officers and their guests in the Service Edge Cafe and catered by the Culinary Arts students, taught by Louise Lunkenheimer.

Members of the Culinary Arts class, taught by Louise Lunkenheimer, prepared lunch in the Service Edge Cafe on Wednesday, for the newly elected officers of the Phi Beta Lambda Chapter 13689.

Hartzfeld started with a humorous account of a man starting out to be the best batter in baseball who throws the ball up and swings at it three times, missing each time. The first two times saying, "I'm going to be the best batter in baseball," and the third changing it to "I'm the best pitcher in baseball."

Hartzfeld stressed the importance of practice and the willingness to put in the time to acquire the skills needed.

"Nothing worth having comes easily," Hartzfeld said. "But, if you are willing to put in the practice you can accomplish nearly anything."

Hartzfeld also stressed the importance of becoming an active member of the community and the importance of professional groups.

"One of the opportunities that is available is a professional organization," Hartzfeld said. "Networking is important. You have to be out there so you get to know people and they get to know you. Most of the best career opportunities don't show up in the newspaper want ads, they are given to people who are known by the ones with the jobs."

"Set a goal, determine a path, get yourself out where you can see all the opportunities available to you," Hartzfeld said.

Beth Waldrup, advisor to the class installed the newly elected officers. Theresa Ellis, El Dorado Springs, was elected president; Misty Voigt, Nevada, vice-president; Judy Thompson, Nevada, secretary; Greg Butterfield, Nevada, Treasurer; Charla Chadd, Nevada, reporter; Emily Livengood, Nevada, historian/photographer.

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