Annual toy drive under way

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A collection barrel at the Vernon County Ambulance District headquarters awaits donations of new toys to be given to area children at Christmas.

By Steve Moyer

Nevada Daily Mail

"We're getting the classroom ready for use as a toy chest," Vernon County Ambulance Director James McKenzie said. "We want to be ready for the toys when they come in. We've already had some monetary donations come in this year."

Workers are preparing for an annual toy drive, and McKenzie said Vernon Countians, who have always been supportive, seem to be even more so this year.

"This year, people are more positive," McKenzie said. "I don't know what explains it, but they sure are. We have had more groups calling, looking to help than in the past. We have a pretty benevolent community here in Vernon County."

The district is asking for toys for children from infants to those 12 or 13 years old.

"We ask that the toys be unwrapped and age appropriate," McKenzie said. "For infants, we could use diapers, gloves, mittens, that kind of thing. Portable CD players are popular with all the kids. Basketballs or footballs for the guys, dolls for the girls -- it's pretty much the same each year."

McKenzie said the official kickoff would be Thursday, and the crew is preparing barrels to be set out to collect toys in.

"We're kicking it off at Thanksgiving and we're getting barrels ready for the toy drop-offs out in the county," McKenzie said. "The last day for accepting toys is Dec. 13. We'll be making up the gift sacks so we can distribute them Dec. 15. That will give the families more time."

McKenzie said there would be drop-off points around the county for toys. Donations also will be accepted at the ambulance district offices at the corner of Walnut and Osage.

Community Christian Church, Crowder College and the Living Hope Fellowship will have barrels for the toys and the district is looking for other places around the county to come on board. Several schools around the area work with the district to collect toys as well, but they do it within the school for student participation, McKenzie said.

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