Missouri state youth bowling champions

Special to the Daily Mail
The Capri Bowl USBC Youth League was again honorably represented in this year's event by those dedicated bowlers who competed in different division and events.
These bowlers included; Kourtni Gilmore, Felicia Keller, Megan Sands, Logan Diehl, Chance Davis, Dakota Mitchem, Ryan Sands, Dakota Davis, Mike LeeMasters, Nick Righter and Ty Lero. While some of the young bowlers struggled and others excelled in their divisions, all put forth extraordinary effort.
The following bowlers who placed within the top 10 in their specific events.
The "Division 1 All Events" honors go to Ryan Sands who placed ninth out of 105 bowlers. He also achieved seveth place among 132 bowlers competing in the "Division 1 Singles Event."
With 360 bowlers competing in the "Division 4 Singles Event," Nick Righter bowled past the competition into fourth place.
In the "Singles Division 6" category, Ty Lero bowled well enough to tie for third place honors among 156 bowlers. Ty missed first place by only eight pins.
In the "Division 4" of the "Doubles Event," the pairing of Nick Righter and Ty Lero bowled their way to second place among 147 pairs competing in this category.
Finally, in the "Division 2 Team Event," the "Rumbling Thunder Team;" Chance Davis, Dakota Mitchem, Ryan Sands and Dakota Davis, bowled their way into fifth place among 61 teams competing for the honors.