Businesses still feeling impact of snow

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The alley beside the Masonic Temple, 221 W. Walnut, remains closed after a partial roof collapse from last weeks snow storm. Repairs are under way, the roof has been braced from within, but a portion of the brickwork has bulged outward and repairs to it need to be made before the alley can open.

By Jennifer Johnson

Nevada Daily Mail

Evidence of the snow storm which dropped between 9-13 inches of snow across Vernon County Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 is still all too apparent for some local business owners.

Landmark Skate Center and the Masonic Lodge 303 both suffered damages, while Perry Grizzle's Insurance Agency had to be relocated for a short period of time due to the damages incurred by the adjoining building.

The Landmark Skate Center, located at 1401 N. Osage, suffered the most damage when the roof collapsed due to the heavy amount of snowfall accumulation.

Sheryl Straight, owner and operator of the center, stated that "the center had been closed since Tuesday at 9 p.m., prior to the collapse at 3 a.m. on Friday. The lack of heat in the building due to its being closed, combined with the amount of snow and ice accumulations on the roof, appear to be the main sources of the collapse. Straight adds that the center is "unrepairable," and that there is "No indication of a time frame" on when the rebuilding of the center may occur until a report is received from the insurance company.

Although damage to other local structures was not as severe, the Masonic Lodge 303, located at 221 W. Walnut, will also have to undergo repairs due to the storm. Also, Perry Grizzle, who's building adjoins the Lodge, stated that the "firewall which extends up to the rooftop between the two buildings may have to be replaced."

Grizzle noted that his building "did not receive any significant damage;" however, the Masonic Lodge may have to replace the roof along with the east wall between the buildings.

Building inspectors closed the alley and the structures for a few days to evaluate whether the buildings were safe. Traffic behind the building is still restricted.

Water damage, due to the melting of the snow upon the roof of the Masonic Lodge, has also had a significant impact on the amount of repairs needed to the building and for this month at least, the group's regular meeting was moved to a Walker facility due to the problems with the building. Lawrence Cripps of the Masonic Temple Association noted that "having a flat roof underneath the current one," helped in preventing the collapse of the roof such as that experienced by the Skate Center.

The traces of the snow storm are still evident across the county with the melting snow making some road conditions muddy; however, to a few local business owners, the traces of the storm are unforgettable. Sheryl Straight added that this "will be the first New Year's in 30 years" that she has not spent at the center.

Along with Straight, fellow business owners face a similar task of putting their businesses back together again.

The effects of the storm will also likely be felt throughout the community on New Year's Eve, as many families and children, will have to find another place to celebrate the holiday other than the traditional Landmark Skate Center.

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