
The Way it Was

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

100 years ago

Harpold to get $16,000

Napoleon Boneparte Harpold, a pioneer Fort Scott barber, whose shop has for many years been down on Wall street, a few doors east of Scott avenue, is named in a late uncle's will in Ohio, as one of six heirs of an estate said to be worth $100,000 exclusive of other valuable property which he seized but which is now in litigation. Mr. Harpold is in poor health and this little windfall will be a God-send to him, says the Fort Scott Tribune.

Mr. Harpold shares in the estate of his uncle. Peter Harpold, who died without any near relatives. He and his wife had previously divided their property and held their interests separately, the estate having previously been worth considerable more than $200,000.

50 years ago

Britain in offer to Cyprus

LONDON -- Britain offered today to grant limited self-government to Cyprus. But the proposed to keep control over the defense, foreign affairs and internal security of the violence-torn island which was the jumpoff point for the British-French attack on Egypt.

On the vital question of self-determination -- the islander's right to choose union with Greece -- the government remained silent.

In a statement in the House of Commons later today, Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox-Boyd was expected to reaffirm that in the present state of international relations Britain is not prepared to set any date for the islanders to exercise that right.