NHS boys in Mac Saturday, other dates undecided

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

By Joe Warren

Nevada Daily Mail

With many people in southwest Missouri still without power and folks in McDonald County even without water, athletic events have been shuffled, to say the least.

Since it's possible Carthage and McDonald County may not have school all week, their basketball contests against Nevada that have been called off due to the unrelenting ice entrapment are largely still up in the air.

Tonight's scheduled basketball games between Carthage and Nevada, to be played at Wynn Gymnasium, have been postponed. Makeup dates have not yet been arranged.

Same goes for today's scheduled Southwest Conference wrestling dual pitting Nevada in Webb City.

As for Friday's postponed basketball doubleheader in Anderson against the McDonald County Mustangs, that event has been half rescheduled.

The Nevada boys are now slated to visit Anderson this Saturday, with the exact start time for the JV-varsity doubleheader not yet set.

"The JV will start at either five or six (p.m.)," Nevada athletic director Kevin McKinley said. The varsity game will follow.

As for the girls' portion of the McDonald County game, that hasn't been decided yet because of conflicts with other school activities this Saturday.

One event that will not be rescheduled is the junior varsity wrestling tournament scheduled for Saturday in Nevada.

"It can't be made up because of the available Saturday's left in the schedule," McKinley said. "We'll have it again next year, we just don't have time to make it up this year."

McKinley said open dates that match for Nevada and their two conference basketball foes are hard to find. That means it's highly likely the Nevada basketball teams will be forced to play on back-to-back days at some point in the next month.

"We don't have a choice," McKinley said. "We have to make up those games because they're conference games."

McKinley was more optimistic with the wrestling dual against Webb City, citing an open period in Nevada's schedule from their final scheduled dual on Feb. 1, until the district wrestling tournament Feb. 9-10.

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