
Odd notions and other complaints

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hi neighbors. There are lots of things that don't make much sense to me.

If you are over 50 you probably remember when televisions were first becoming popular. Do you recall the myth that people could watch you through your television set? The theory was that if you could see people on your television, they could also see you sitting in your living room watching them. That idea was eventually laughed out of believability.

Now guess what I saw on television the other night? It seems that if someone has access to your computer, not hands-on but via the Internet, they can remotely operate your wireless connection Web-camera and watch you! Of course, this was a television drama, not a documentary. Also it didn't clarify if you had to leave your computer turned on or not; or if it only applied to laptops.

How many people leave their laptops open and turned on all the time? Those laptops get hot if you're holding them in your lap. And the batteries don't last forever. Even if you had it plugged in, who would leave it on? If you did leave it on, where would you have it sitting? I suppose if you leave it turned on, don't leave it plugged into a power supply, the battery will run out in a few hours.

If you are paranoid enough to buy into this story, and you still leave your computer turned on all the time, just keep an eye out for the little light that indicates your web-cam is on and transmitting.Time will tell if it's a myth or not I suppose.

I measured the ice in my back yard the other day. It was three and one half inches thick. After a snow, and several days of over 32 degree temps, I still have more than an inch of ice covering my yard. Why are there mountains of ice caps melting at the North Pole and not the few inches of ice in my back yard? Why do we hear English words miss-pronounced on national news broadcasts? Sometimes I remember to make a note when I hear these. The one I caught last week was the word "ultimate." Like most Americans, I learned the word was pronounced just as it is in the dictionary; with the emphasis on the first syllable. UL-tae-mit. However, on the news the other night it was pronounced ul-TIM-ate, with the emphasis on the second syllable. Changing the emphasis around might be OK if you're singing a rap lyric, but I don't like English being changed around helter skelter for no good reason other than the person speaking just can't pronounce it correctly.

It would be excusable if they were speaking with an accent. Lots of times words just get pronounced differently when people are learning a second language. But the announcer didn‚t mispronounce any other words. Perhaps I'm just too picky.

Have you ever gone to a class reunion? I got a letter last month suggesting we all get together for a 30-year reunion. I double-checked the envelope. Yes it was addressed to me, although I can't imagine it being 30 years since I graduated high school! Over the past I've received invitations for school reunions. Early on they were enthusiastic and sounded like the old pep squad in action.

After a few years they were more subdued, just the facts of time, place and cost were offered.

This time the invitation was more a query. With more of a "Do we really want to do this again?" slant. The date and place of the meeting was suggested, but not confirmed. The whole idea was subject to change depending on the amount of response. I guess most of my classmates have finally grown up, or grown weary. I assume the next reunion letter will be enthusiastic again. We will all be on Social Security by then and have more free time to recount whatever stories of our shared youth any of us can remember.

I've started thinking about how I'm going to spend my tax refund -- if I get one. I've learned over the years to think small when considering tax refunds.

I did, however, make a list. If I get a small refund, I think I'll buy a new mousepad for my computer. If I get an average refund, (average for me anyway) I might buy one or two of those new light bulbs that use less energy.

Until the next time friends remember, there is a lot we might not understand, nor approve of, in how the world works.

Still, it's our only planet. We'd better love it because we can't leave it.