Nevada City Council to consider updated street light agreement

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council will be considering a new three-year franchise agreement with Aquila to provide street lights for the city during Tuesday night's regular city council meeting. This franchise is to replace the 10-year franchise that Aquila had originally requested and that the council decided not to approve during their March 20 meeting.

Other items on their short agenda include a proclamation for National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, bids for automotive and bulk fuel, pool chemical bids and for repairs to pumps at the waste water treatment plant.

The council will be having the second readings of three ordinances: one to release and conclude the Neighborhood Improvement District assessment for lot 10 of Ashland Estates; the second approving an agreement with Industrial Physical Therapy for pre-employment capacity and drug testing and the third ordinance accepting the proposal from DSWA, CPA to perform the city's 2006 annual audit.

They will also be looking at several items of new business, including: a request from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for a right-of-way solicitor's license, a service contract with Washington Electronics for the city's warning sirens; Resolution No. 1187, appointing Kristie Modlin as interim city treasurer; Resolution No. 1188, adding Kristie Modlin as an authorized signer on the city's bank accounts at U.S. Bank and to remove William McGuire as an authorized signer; Resolution No. 1189, approving Kristie Modlin as authorized signer for Edward D. Jones; and Resolution No. 11900 approving Kristie Modlin as authorized signer for LPL Financial.

The council is also scheduled to receive an update on the renovation of the Municipal Airport during the city manager's report.

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