Webb City edges Nevada on diamond

Friday, April 20, 2007

Nevada Daily Mail

WEBB CITY -- A one-run lead wasn't enough as the Nevada Tigers (4-6 overall, 0-2 in the Southwest Conference) couldn't hold off the Webb City Cardinals in baseball action Thursday.

The Tigers scored first in a triple by Jordan Kerbs and a single by Colby Shepherd in the top of the first inning, but the Cardinals kept pressure on Nevada starter Cody Thompson all game and eventually broke through.

Webb City collected nine hits off Thompson in five innings, but managed only two runs thanks in large part to nine strikeouts by the southpaw.

"Thompson pitched a heck of a game," Nevada head coach Jared Brown said. "He just kept them separated on those nine hits."

The Cardinals finally strung hits together for runs in the third and fifth innings.

In the third it was two singles and a double by Eli Dykens that tied the score at one.

Webb City got what amounted to the winning run on an RBI double by Kyle Ozbun in the fifth.

The Tigers had runners on base all game, thanks to six walks and a hit batter, although they managed only four hits.

Shepherd collected three of the Tiger's hits, going 3-for-4.

"We competed," Brown said.

Nevada visits Neosho today.

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