Truman Day is May 8

Friday, May 4, 2007

Nevada Daily Mail

"The governor shall issue annually a proclamation setting apart the eighth day of May as "Truman Day" and recommending to the people of the state that the day be appropriately observed in honor of and out of respect for Harry S Truman, the thirty-third president of the United States, a distinguished public servant and the only Missourian ever to be elected to this high office."

So states the Missouri state statute instituting the observance. Locally, the statewide holiday means a day off for some as many government offices will be closed that day.

In Lamar, where Truman was born, the tradition of celebrating his birthday continues this year, with special events held on Saturday, May 5. Arts and crafts will be in the Moore pavilion, and cake will be served at the Truman birthplace home in the afternoon.

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