Council approves a visiting soccer camp, community center fees
Nevada Daily Mail
The Challenger soccer camp will once again be coming to Nevada. During a regular meeting on Tuesday, the city council voted 3-2 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving an agreement with Challenger Sports Corporation to provide a youth soccer camp for the city of Nevada in August. Wells, Gillette and Hutchens voted yes and Edmonds and Kemm voted no. The proposed agreement brings a soccer camp to Nevada in August at no cost to the city and generates a small amount of money for the city money for each camper who signs up for the camp through the city.
Although there was some resistance to the plan voiced by at least one council member over some aspects of the agreement, a parks board member and a citizen came to the defense of it.
"I am not opposed to a company coming to town to hold a soccer camp, but why can't they come to town, rent the field and attract the participants without the city helping to collect the fees?" Russ Kemm asked.
Jeff Post, parks board member, said that all of the current soccer programs are run by the city and there is no other organization to coordinate it like there is for football, baseball and softball.
"It would be nice to find a way for the city to have other camps," Post said.
Edmonds told the council that he was concerned about setting a precedent by doing this.
"If it's going to benefit the health of our youth, why be so nit-picking about it," Nevada resident David Bishop said. "It may be an ethical issue, but the city is not required to do the same thing with another group."
The council passed on first reading a special ordinance establishing a fee structure for the use of the Nevada-Vernon County Community Center. The new fee structure requires all groups that use the community center kitchen to pay a $15 usage fee. It specifically permits Nevada and Vernon County non-profit organizations, civic and service clubs, local government, religious groups, etc., to use the facility for free. Nevada and Vernon County residents and businesses are to be charged a $15 minimum fee for the first two hours and $5 for each additional hour. Non-Nevada and Vernon County residents and businesses will be charged $20 for the first two hours and $7 for each additional hour.