Crowder College graduates earn honors

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Eighteen Crowder College students from the Nevada campus graduated in a ceremony at Neosho, Saturday. Each earned Associate of Arts degrees. At a special honors breakfast Saturday morning, two Nevada campus students were singled out for special honors: Jacob Norman of El Dorado Springs, was awarded the Outstanding Graduate award for the Nevada campus, where he was active in the Nevada Campus Student Government organization, Phi Theta Kappa (International Academic Honor Society), as well as graduating cum laude; and Holly Davis of Nevada who completed her studies with a perfect 4.0 GPA. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa.

Other graduates and their honors included: Alisha D. Anderson, Stockton, PTK, Cum Laude; Ashley Dawn Bell, Schell City, PTK, Cum Laude, Presidents Transfer Scholarship to Missouri State University; Justin Butcher, Nevada, cum laude; Holly Jean Davis, Nevada, PTK, summa cum laude; Landon Dirks, Nevada; Keilah Forgey, Deerfield; Shirley Garnett, Nevada; Jill Hamilton, Nevada; Nate Hensley, El Dorado Springs; Kendra Hughes, Nevada, PTK, cum laude; Amanda Mays, Walker, cum laude; Deidra Michelle, Nevada, PTK, cum laude; Jacob Norman, El Dorado Springs, PTK, cum laude; Dustin Read, Lamar, PTK, cum laude; Arnold Rees, Butler, cum laude; Lori Barnes, Rich Hill; Mike Shirrell, Nevada; Stacey Wolf, Nevada. Nevada campus faculty who attended graduation included Janet Reed and John Short and the campus director, Donna Thomas.

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