NEVC graduation sees record crowd
Northeast Vernon County R-1 held their graduation ceremony at the Walker Campus Saturday afternoon, May 19, with a record crowd in attendance. In fact, there were so many cars on the road north of Walker that our son, Chet Foreman, who was planting corn in the field there, wondered if Highway 54 was closed for some reason. It's wonderful to see the support our youth receive. Graduation receptions were held from Walker to Schell City, and in all directions.
Lavina and Bob Clinton hosted a barbecue at their home after the NEVC graduation in honor of their daughter, Jodee, one of the graduates. Guests were Viola Hazelwood and Wayne Hazelwood, El Dorado Springs; Bob and Laura Clinton, Tracy Clinton and Tony Todd, Ozark; Jeff Fanning, Nevada; Laverna Rice, Jacob and John, Sheldon, Donna Davidson, Dustin and Jennifer Davidson, Emily and Jake, and Brent and Sandra Gundy, Whitney and Shelby.
Betty and Norman Radde attended the Shrine Parade in Pittsburg Saturday, and Betty attended the Mirza ladies luncheon at Parkview Inn.
Harold and Kathryn Phillips and Charles and I joined several others at a reception in honor of Heather Harms and Kirk Haddix after graduation Saturday. It was held in the community building in Schell City. Charles and I also attended a reception for Gavin Crocker held at the Schell City Baptist Church.
Debbie and Denny Wallace visited Bob and Jane Hutchison Sunday afternoon.
Kayla Newman has finished her college term at Southwest Baptist University at Bolivar and will work at Crowder College in Neosho this summer.
Max Ogle graduated from the Fort Scott College Thursday afternoon with an associate's degree in Harley Davidson Motorcycle Technician. The service was held at Memorial Hall in Fort Scott. Attending from here were Max and Christy Ogle, Bruce, Abi, and Natalie, Mary and Robert Kinney, Debby and Dennis Blankenship, Caressa and Abbi, and Rex and Betty Bruce. A dinner was held in Max's honor Saturday at the home of Mary and Robert Kinney. The above group attended and were joined by Nola Bruce. Max and Christy Ogle and children will be moving to Texas where he has employment.
Jenise Burch and Helen Kennedy attended the reception held in Nevada Sunday afternoon for Matt Kennedy in honor of his graduation from high school.
Also attending the reception for Nevada High School graduate Matt Kennedy were Jered and Crystal Burch, Kate and Cole.
Fred Haynes, Christine and Corey Graham, and Charles and I joined Bob and Phyllis Garrison and Shawn to attend the Sheldon FFA Awards Banquet Thursday evening.
The elementary field day was held Friday at the Schell City Campus.
Christy and Max Ogle, Abi and Natalie, and Robert and Mary Kinney attended the graduation of Bruce Ogle from preschool in Nevada.
Juanita Foreman hosted the Coal Creek Helping Hand Club in her home last Wednesday. Kathleen Berry won the door prize with a game being played and prizes given to each guest. The group will meet with Neoma Foreman in June.
NEVC Student Council went to see Shrek III Saturday afternoon.
Juanita Foreman, Harry and Jenny Foreman, Alberta and Glen Hays, Christine and Corey Graham, and Charles and I attended the Liberal High School graduation Sunday afternoon and a barbecue in honor of one of the graduates, Randy Engle. Randy is the grandson of Harry and Jenny Foreman, and great-grandson of Juanita Foreman.
The Walker 4-H cleaned their assigned area along Highway C Sunday afternoon.
Dave and Betsy Foreman and Brooklyn had supper with Charles and me, and Christine and Corey Graham Thursday. Wendy Conley and Coltin Wilson visited us Saturday and had lunch with us.
Fred Haynes, Christine Graham and Corey, and Charles and I attended a reception for Claire Hissink in Nevada Sunday evening.
Robbie Kinney spent a week with his parents, Robert and Mary Kinney, and other relatives. He attends New York University in New York City.
If anyone in the Walker area has news they would like included, please call me at (417) 465-2389. Thanks.