Nevada City Council to review bids on airport terminal

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council will be considering several bids during tonight's 7 o'clock meeting in the city council chambers in the Public Safety Building.

The council will be looking at rejecting the bids for the new terminal building at the Nevada Municipal Airport at the recommendation of the airport board. All of the bids were over the engineering estimate and the amount of money the city has available for the project.

They will also be looking at bids to purchase new software for the city's finance department.

Other new business on the agenda includes the reappointment of Jeff Post to the parks board; a request from Rudy Horst to rezone his property at 210 N. Osage from M-2, heavy industrial, to C-3, commercial business, so he can convert part of the building into living quarters; an agreement with Allgeier, Martin & Associates, Inc. for miscellaneous engineering services; an agreement with AT&T for local telephone service and a public hearing and consideration of a request from the Nevada R-5 School District to vacate the property line easement between lots 26 and 27 of Klumpp's subdivision so they can build a house on a double size lot.

The council will also be holding second readings of ordinances to approve an intergovernmental agreement with Vernon County for software for their dispatch centers; an update to the city's sign ordinance; an update to the city's sewer charges; a change in residence requirements for some city employees and separate agreements with the Council on Families in Crisis and the Children's Center of West Central Missouri.

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