The Way it Was
100 years ago
Money saved as ties rot
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The papers in the comlaint made by the National Union of Railway Trackmen against the Missouri Pacific will reach the offices of the railroad commissioners of Kansas and Missouri some time today. It is the purpose of the organization to file complaints simuitaneously in Topeka and Jefferson City.
50 years ago
Little Dana Dalton breaks both arms
Dana Dalton, 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dalton, 222 E. Central, fractured both arms, Monday evening when she fell out of a tree while playing near her home. She was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Kansas City where X-rays revealed her left arm was fractured at the wrist and she had a less serious fracture in the right arm. She was placed in arm casts which she will have to wear from three to six weeks.