Nevada siblings are pig-showing rookies

Friday, July 13, 2007
Kyle Mason and his Hamp Barrow pig, "Derik" compete in the 8-10 year-old division of the hog show Thursday evening, earning a blue ribbon. This is Kyle's first year as a youth fair livestock exhibitor and he is already planning for Vernon County Youth Fair 2008!

By Crystal D. Hancock

Nevada Daily Mail

Nevada youth, Megan Mason, age 11, and Kyle Mason, age 8, experienced their first year as livestock exhibitors at the Vernon County Youth Fair this week. The siblings live on the Mason farm located on Missouri Route K Highway, southwest of Nevada. Both participated in the swine shows on Thursday.

Megan Mason is the only Girl Scout to exhibit livestock at the Vernon County Youth Fair this year. This is her first year being a part of the fair and she has been working hard with her pig, "Spot". They won Reserved Grand Champion for the 10-12 year-old division show Thursday eveing.

Megan is a member of Junior Girl Scout Troop 4435. She is the only Girl Scout to exhibit livestock at this year's fair. Megan's pig, "Spot," was born in mid-January this year and was bought in April. "Spot" is a Berkshire barrow weighing in at 236 pounds and received the Reserve Grand prize for the 10-12 year-old division.

"I wanted to be a part of the fair this year because it sounded like so much fun. Our family friend, Ashley White, wanted to help us out with the pigs, so I decided to give it a shot. Mom disagreed with us getting the pigs at first, but now she is ok with it and seems pretty proud of us," Megan said.

Kyle is a member of Boy Scout Pack 117. He is the only Boy Scout to exhibit livestock at this year's fair. His pig, "Derik," named after White's husband, was also born in mid-January and bought in April of this year. "Derik" is a Hampshire barrow weighing in at 252 pounds and received a blue ribbon in the 8-10-year-old show division.

Kyle has always been in love with living on the farm. He has been playing in the dirt with his tractors since he was a baby and really enjoys helping his father out any time he can.

"I am already getting ready for next year's fair. Maybe now I'll know a little more about this stuff for next year," Kyle said.

"Megan and Kyle both have done all the work with these pigs," their father, Chris Mason said. "They go out to feed them and care for them two to three times a day. They work with them as far as training goes and handling the pigs. We talked about doing something for the fair this year all the way back before Christmas and they decided they really wanted to participate, so when spring came around, we went to Forkner's annual spring hog auction. We looked at dozens and dozens of pigs before they each chose the first ones they fell in love with, and that is where 'Spot' and 'Derik' came from. We are proud of them and all the dedication that they have put into these pigs. It takes a lot of discipline for, not just my kids, but for all the participants to have their livestock ready for the fair each year."

The brother and sister are both excited for next year's fair and Vernon County Youth Fair 2007 isn't even over yet. Megan and Kyle are both dedicated to their animals and plan to keep up all their hard work throughout the rest of the fair this week until the hogs sell at the livestock auction that will be held Saturday evening.

When asked at the end of the day how Kyle was doing taking all of these new experiences in, he said, "Dad got us up at 5 this morning and we have been out here with our pigs all day. I am really tired and about ready for bed. It has been fun and I love taking care of my pig, but I am ready for bed!"

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