
The Way It Was

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

100 years ago

The school book commission in session

The Vernon County text book commission composed of county superintendent Foster, president; professor Shumate, secretary; and professor J.W. Storms met today and selected school text books for Vernon County. A host of book men were here representing number of book companies. The commission decided at the very start not to make but two changes in the list of books adopted two years ago. These two being changes in readers and physiologic.

50 years ago

Two teachers resign high school staff

Two resignations from the Nevada High School teaching staff have complicated plans of the approaching school term according to superintendent of schools C.H. Jones Jr.

Mr. Clifford Haislip, speech and dramatics instructor, has resigned, to accept a position in the dramatics department of the new Little Rock, Ark., university.

Mrs. Irene Fleming, vocational home economics, is expecting an addition to their family and resigned July 16.