FSCC board to discuss maintenance matters
Fort Scott, Kan. -- The Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees has several routine midsummer items to address during its regular meeting on Monday.
Trustees are scheduled to hear various reports and discuss other items, most of which are heard or considered on an annual basis at this time each year. The board is also scheduled to elect its officers for the 2007-'08 school year, and consider various bids, agreements and employment matters. The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. Monday in the FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton St.
The board plans to elect a vice-chairman and chairman, the latter of whom will appoint a clerk and information officer, a treasurer, a Kansas Association of Community College Trustees and Council of Presidents representative, and a Greenbush representative. Those positions are currently held by FSCC Dean of Finance and Operations Darcy Baldonado, FSCC Administrative Assistant Kathy McCurley, trustee Robert Nelson, and trustee Jim Sather, respectively.
Trustee Eric Ammons is the board chairman, and Baldonado is the board secretary.
The board also plans to designate a bank for the deposit of FSCC funds (currently Citizens Bank, NA); an attorney to represent the college in legal matters (currently Zack Reynolds); the official newspaper for the publication of FSCC news items (currently The Fort Scott Tribune); and the official date when board meetings take place, which occur on the third Monday of each month, unless the board votes prior to a meeting to change the date of that scheduled meeting. Board meeting dates for the 2007-'08 school year are also scheduled for approval.
The board also plans to conduct the following business on Monday:
* Hear a report from FSCC Maintenance Director Steve Stanton on recent summer maintenance projects at the college.
* Consider the approval of the June treasurer's report, which showed a $1.7 million starting cash balance, $2 million in expenses, $2.3 million in revenue, and a $1.9 million ending cash balance.
* Consider approval of about $252,000 in purchase orders for the 2007-'08 school year.
* Set the date for a hearing on the proposed 2007-'08 FSCC budget. That hearing is scheduled to take place at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, in the FSCC Heritage Room. In accordance with state law, the notice of the budget hearing must be published a minimum of 10 days before the hearing .
* Consider the adoption of a policy that will allow the early payment of certain bills that will enhance the operations of the college or financially benefit the college. This policy will allow college officials to avoid late fees or interest charges that often come with late payments, an FSCC statement said.
* Consider the approval of a request for retirement by FSCC Financial Aid Director Bonnie Quick, a letter of resignation from FSCC Associate Dean of the Miami County Campus Tyler Ropp, and the transfer of Lillie Grubb to the position of director of financial aid.
* Consider hiring Fawn Lallemand as an instructor in the FSCC cosmetology program, Kirk Sharp as an admissions representative, and Robert Spies as the new FSCC head cross country and track coach.
* Consider the renewal of a $1,740 annual lease agreement for office space within Midtown Community Resource Inc., a Wichita office that, for several years, has provided space for the federally funded Migrant Education Program at FSCC. Several rental sites throughout Kansas are used to provide MEP services, and the funds for the rental agreements are provided through a federal grant.
* Consider board participation in the Kansas Association of School Boards Workers Compensation Fund, Inc., a consortium of educational institutions that work together to reduce the individual institution risk associated with workers compensation. FSCC has belonged to the organization for several years. The annual cost to participate in the organization is $51,550, a reduction from last year's annual premium; $83,674.
* Consider the acceptance of the low bid of $75,846 from Life Insurance Company of North America, which also includes a $250 deductible, for athletic insurance at FSCC during the 2007-'08 school year. Trustees will also consider accepting a quote from Mutual of Omaha for catastrophic insurance at a cost of $19,279, a $2,728 increase from last year, for the upcoming school year.
Both companies are currently the carriers of the college's athletic insurance policies, an FSCC statement said.
The board also plans to discuss other typical board policies, and hear reports from Dean of Instruction Mary Ann Leamon-Childers on an upcoming fall inservice, and new FSCC President Clayton Tatro on an American Association of Community Colleges Presidents Academy conducted earlier this month. The board has also scheduled an executive session.