Nevada hires a new city treasurer

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bill Edmonds, mayor of Nevada, has announced the hiring of Paul Hokanson as city treasurer.

Hokanson comes to Nevada from Warrensburg, Mo., where he has served that city as finance officer since 2004. He has a Master in Business Administration degree from Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg. Hokanson has been a financial manager since 1978, serving in various communities in Missouri including Central Missouri State University, Wentworth Military Academy, and Hannibal-LaGrange College. He also has taught college business classes at several Missouri colleges and universities. City manager Bill McGuire said, "We are very pleased to have Mr. Hokanson joining us here in Nevada. Paul's experience and knowledge gained from working in both the municipal and institutional finance areas will make him a great addition to the city staff."

Hokanson is in the process of relocating to Nevada.

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