Planning Commission to conduct public hearing on five-year plan today
The Nevada Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the city's 2008 five-year capital improvement plan and consider a resolution recommending approval of the plan during their meeting at 5:15 this afternoon in the city council chambers.
The proposed plan calls for spending about $27.8 million for capital improvement projects over the next five years.
The five-year capital improvement plan includes $70,000 to update the city's master plan; about $2.7 million in street and sidewalk improvements as well as several smaller projects; $3.8 million for public safety, including new fire and police stations and an animal shelter; $3.95 million for parks and recreation facilities, of which $3 million would go for a new community center; $53,000 for public works administration; $2.2 million for water production and distribution; $205,000 for the water treatment plant; $5.9 million for sewer collection system, including $5 million to replace the north and south interceptor lines and $9.3 million for the new wastewater treatment plant.