First annual fish fry

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Northeast Vernon County FFA held its first annual fish fry to kick off the new school year. The event was held on Friday, Aug. 31, 2007 in the Walker, Mo. city park. This mixer gave the new Ag. advisor, Mr. Chris Dryer, a great opportunity to meet the parents and grandparents of FFA members. We also had many FFA supporters that were present. We had almost 85 people that were in attendance. The menu for the night consisted of fried catfish, homemade suzy q's, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, cole slaw, many different types of salads, and several homemade deserts.

The meal was prepared by FFA members: Chris Greer, Nolan Rapp, Nathan Walbourn, Jacob Duncan, Ashley Harms, Courtney Greer, Trevor Reese, Katy Harms, Vincent Keightley, Josh Bachand, Darcy Scotten, Tammy Harms. A great time was had by all.

The Northeast Vernon Co. FFA appreciates all who donated items, contributed their time and help.

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