Seminar for the parents of ‘tweens’ set for Oct. 27

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Crossroads Community Church is set to host a parenting seminar aimed at “tweenagers” age 9-12. The event, “Leaving Cute, Entering Cool,” is to be held at Osage Prairie YMCA on Saturday, Oct. 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Speaking at the event will be Judy Ann Mumford. Mumford obtained a doctorate in family studies from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Since graduating in 2001, she has toured the nation speaking to parents about rearing children in the 21st century.

Sponsored by Charting the Course Ministries, Mumford’s mission is to provide general principles and parenting guidelines based on her education, experiences, research, and Christian faith.

Although Mumford offers many lectures and classes on parenting, Oct. 27’s will focus on what she refers to as “tweens.” These ages are approximately 9 - 13 and are considered by many as the hardest years to parent.

“Parenting is one of the most critical jobs in the world,” said Mumford. “We are helping parents become pro-active.”

While the seminar is targeted at older pre-teens, parents of any age child are welcome to attend. Dennis Painter, pastor of the Crossroads Com-munity Church said, “Skills and topics will be covered relevant to any age child. 1 or 21, parents are going to benefit from it.”

Light foods and refreshments will be available to participants throughout the lecture.

Anyone interested in attending is asked to call ahead for reservations. Child care is available for those attending the seminar. Parents needing child care service must call in advance to reserve nursery spot(s).

Admission is $15 for an individual and $25 per couple. This price includes attendance to the seminar and one participant notebook. Those wishing to attend are asked to call Painter at (417) 667-6737.

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